Religion Online Courses
The following online undergraduate classes, managed by Global Campus, are offered in interactive online asynchronous and self-paced formats.
Description: Elements of grammar of the koine Greek of the New Testament, including vocabulary, translation, and reading.
Format(s) Available: Self-Paced Open Learning (section 901), Interactive Term-based (section 999)
Cost: online campus tuition, main campus tuition (additional costs for books and fees)
Tech Requirements: Latest version of Chrome or Mozilla browser. Check computer requirements.
Sample syllabus for all sections: use current syllabus to purchase materials, as these may change.
Description: Instruction in intermediate grammar and reading of selected portions of the New Testament. Offered online in one semester intensive 6 credits including BIBL 313. Register for BIBL 212 and BIBL 313 in same semester, offered as continuous 6-credit intensive online.
Prerequisite: BIBL 211 Greek I
Format(s) Available: Self-Paced Open Learning (section 901), Interactive Term-based (section 999)
Cost: online campus tuition, main campus tuition (additional costs for books and fees)
Tech Requirements: Latest version of Chrome or Mozilla browser. Check computer requirements.
Sample syllabus for all sections: use current syllabus to purchase materials, as these may change.
Description: Advanced Koine Reading. New Testament portions from Luke, Paul, the book of Hebrews, and James should be analyzed on the bases of Greek syntax and author specific vocabulary. Selections from the Septuagint and the early church fathers will be considered to illustrate the development of thought within Christianity. Furthermore, introducing students to selections from Philo and Josephus.
Prerequisite: BIBL 211 Greek I. Register for BIBL 212 and BIBL 313 in same semester, offered as continuous 6-credit intensive online.
Format(s) Available: Self-Paced Open Learning (section 901), Interactive Term-based (section 999)
Cost: online campus tuition, main campus tuition (additional costs for books and fees)
Tech Requirements: Latest version of Chrome or Mozilla browser. Check computer requirements.
Sample syllabus for all sections: use current syllabus to purchase materials, as these may change.
Description: An introduction to the writings and theology of the Old Testament within their near eastern cultural, geographical, and historical backgrounds.
Format(s) Available: Self-Paced Open Learning (section 901), Interactive Term-based (section 999)
Cost: online campus tuition, main campus tuition (additional costs for books and fees)
Languages: English, Spanish
Sample syllabus for all sections: use current syllabus to purchase materials, as these may change.
Description: An introduction to the writings and theology of the New Testament within their Jewish and Greco-Roman cultural, geographical, and historical backgrounds.
Format(s) Available: Self-Paced Open Learning (section 901), Interactive Term-based (section 999)
Cost: online campus tuition, main campus tuition (additional costs for books and fees)
Tech Requirements: Latest version of Chrome or Mozilla browser. Check computer requirements.
Languages: English, Spanish
Sample syllabus for all sections: use current syllabus to purchase materials, as these may change.
Description: Details the mission, the message and the meaning of Jesus Christ for His day and for ours. What is it about the Christian story that captured the attention of so much of world history? Also examines the connection between Christ’s first Advent and His second. May be taught with specific emphasis on one of the four gospels.
Format(s) Available: Self-Paced Open Learning (section 901), Interactive Term-based (section 999)
Cost: online campus tuition, main campus tuition (additional costs for books and fees)
Tech Requirements: Latest version of Chrome or Mozilla browser. Check computer requirements.
Languages: English, Spanish
Sample syllabus for all sections: use current syllabus to purchase materials, as these may change.
Description: An introduction to the Pentateuch and the “Writings” (historical books, Psalms, and Wisdom literature). May be taught with specific emphasis on a particular book or theme.
Format(s) Available: Self-Paced Open Learning (section 901), Interactive Term-based (section 999)
Cost: online campus tuition, main campus tuition (additional costs for books and fees)
Tech Requirements: Latest version of Chrome or Mozilla browser. Check computer requirements.
Sample syllabus for all sections: use current syllabus to purchase materials, as these may change.
Description: A study of the meaning for the 21st century of biblical apocalyptic prophecy, describing the principles of reading and applying biblical prophecy in a modern world, comparing it with other modes of prophecy and prediction in the present culture, and assessing its relevance in view of modern global challenges. Does not count toward a Religion and Theology major.
Format(s) Available: Self-Paced Open Learning (section 901), Interactive Term-based (section 999)
Cost: online campus tuition, main campus tuition (additional costs for books and fees)
Tech Requirements: Latest version of Chrome or Mozilla browser. Check computer requirements.
Sample syllabus for all sections: use current syllabus to purchase materials, as these may change.
Description: An introduction to the presuppositions beneath various interpretive approaches to the biblical text and application of the principles of interpretation to texts representing the various genres of the Old and New Testaments.
Format(s) Available: Self-Paced Open Learning (section 901), Interactive Term-based (section 999)
Cost: online campus tuition, main campus tuition (additional costs for books and fees)
Tech Requirements: Latest version of Chrome or Mozilla browser. Check computer requirements.
Languages: English, Spanish
Sample syllabus for all sections: use current syllabus to purchase materials, as these may change.
Description: An introduction to the prophets of the Old Testament and their writings. May be taught with specific emphasis on a particular book or theme.
Format(s) Available: Self-Paced Open Learning (section 901), Interactive Term-based (section 950-999)
Cost: online campus tuition, main campus tuition (additional costs for books and fees)
Tech Requirements: Latest version of Chrome or Mozilla browser. Check computer requirements.
Sample syllabus for all sections: use current syllabus to purchase materials, as these may change.
Description: Brief introduction to principles of New Testament interpretation; a study of Acts, the Pauline Epistles, Hebrews, and the General Epistles. Research paper may be required. May be taught with specific emphasis on a particular book or theme.
Format(s) Available: Self-Paced Open Learning (section 901), Interactive Term-based (section 950-999)
Cost: online campus tuition, main campus tuition (additional costs for books and fees)
Tech Requirements: Latest version of Chrome or Mozilla browser. Check computer requirements.
Sample syllabus for all sections: use current syllabus to purchase materials, as these may change.
Description: Study of the background, content, and construction of these biblical books with emphasis upon the interpretation of prophecy, apocalyptic imagery and symbols.
Format(s) Available: Self-Paced Open Learning (section 901), Interactive Term-based (section 950-999)
Cost: online campus tuition, main campus tuition (additional costs for books and fees)
Tech Requirements: Latest version of Chrome or Mozilla browser. Check computer requirements.
Sample syllabus for all sections: use current syllabus to purchase materials, as these may change.
Description: An undergraduate religion course which explores the theology and practice of missions. The objective of the course is to understand God’s mission in our world and to experience personal involvement in that mission. A long-term goal of the course is to create an experience through which God can inspire students to a lifetime of service and missions. The class experience includes intensive short-term missions exposure by means of a class tour. Note: Student missionaries are required to take a different missions course: RELP 325 - Preparation for Mission Service.
Online Format: Self-Paced Open Learning (section 901), Interactive Term-based (section 950-999)
Cost: online campus tuition, main campus tuition (additional costs for books and fees)
Tech Requirements: Latest version of Chrome or Mozilla browser. Check computer requirements.
Sample syllabus for all sections: use current syllabus to purchase materials, as these may change.
Description: Explores major world views and religious traditions and their fundamental teachings, beliefs, and practices. Considers each major religion’s analysis of basic human problems and the proposed solutions. Students learn to respect and understand diverse beliefs and practices. Taught from a Christian perspective, the course seeks to explore common ground and challenges between Christianity and the major world religions.
Online Format: Self-Paced Open Learning (section 901), Interactive Term-based (section 950-999)
Cost: online campus tuition, main campus tuition (additional costs for books and fees)
Tech Requirements: Latest version of Chrome or Mozilla browser. Check computer requirements.
Sample syllabus for all sections: use current syllabus to purchase materials, as these may change.
Description: Surveys the internal and external developments and conflicts which Christianity has experienced in time and space from the time of Christ up to the Reformation. Special attention given to those developments that relate to Seventh-day Adventist theological heritage.
Prerequisite: HIST117 Civilization and Ideas I or permission of instructor. Not applicable to the General Education requirements in religion nor a major in religion.
Format(s) Available: Self-Paced Open Learning (section 901), Interactive Term-based (section 950-999)
Cost: online campus tuition, main campus tuition (additional costs for books and fees)
Tech Requirements: Latest version of Chrome or Mozilla browser. Check computer requirements.
Sample syllabus for all sections: use current syllabus to purchase materials, as these may change.
Description: Surveys the history of the church from the Protestant Reformation to current time. Special attention is given to the Protestant Reformation, the Catholic counter-reformation, Puritanism, Rationalism, Evangel-icalism, the rise of modern denominations, the world-wide mission expansion, and ecumenism.
Prerequisite: HIST118 Civilization and Ideas II or permission of instructor. Not applicable to the GE requirements in religion.
Format(s) Available: Self-Paced Open Learning (section 901), Interactive Term-based (section 950-999)
Cost: online campus tuition, main campus tuition (additional costs for books and fees)
Tech Requirements: Latest version of Chrome or Mozilla browser. Check computer requirements.
Sample syllabus for all sections: use current syllabus to purchase materials, as these may change.
Description: An investigation of the background, rise, and development of the Seventh-day Adventist church in America and the world from its beginning until the present with special attention given to the historical role, ministry and writings of Ellen White. Theology majors take the class for 4 credits, Religion majors for 3 credits, others may elect to take HIST 400 with similar content.
Format(s) Available: Self-Paced Open Learning (section 901), Interactive Term-based (section 950-999)
Cost: online campus tuition, main campus tuition (additional costs for books and fees)
Tech Requirements: Latest version of Chrome or Mozilla browser. Check computer requirements.
Sample syllabus for all sections: use current syllabus to purchase materials, as these may change.
Description: Acquaintance with the dynamics of Christian witnessing in the neighborhood, at work, and in the friend-to-friend approach of personal Bible study. Christ’s example of witnessing is highlighted.
Format(s) Available: Self-Paced Open Learning (section 901), Interactive Term-based (section 950-999)
Cost: online campus tuition, main campus tuition (additional costs for books and fees)
Tech Requirements: Latest version of Chrome or Mozilla browser. Check computer requirements.
Languages: English, Spanish
Sample syllabus for all sections: use current syllabus to purchase materials, as these may change.
Description: Lays the foundation for biblical sermon construction and delivery. This class is the prerequisite for all other homiletics courses and is a requirement for all religion/theology majors.
Format(s) Available: Self-Paced Open Learning (section 901), Interactive Term-based (section 950-999)
Cost: online campus tuition, main campus tuition (additional costs for books and fees)
Tech Requirements: Latest version of Chrome or Mozilla browser. Check computer requirements.
Sample syllabus for all sections: use current syllabus to purchase materials, as these may change.
Description: Designed for the youth specialist who wishes to work as a youth pastor, youth director, academy Bible teacher, or in any other youth-training capacity.
Format(s) Available: Self-Paced Open Learning (section 901), Interactive Term-based (section 950-999)
Cost: online campus tuition, main campus tuition (additional costs for books and fees)
Tech Requirements: Latest version of Chrome or Mozilla browser. Check computer requirements.
Sample syllabus for all sections: use current syllabus to purchase materials, as these may change.
Description: A study of the principles of leadership as applied to pastoral ministry, in particular with regard to the minister as leader of worship, as nurturing pastor, as administrator of the church and as evangelist. This class summarizes and assesses the practical ministry portfolio developed by the student during the course of study.
Prerequisite: RELP 240, RELP 330, and RELP 350 (waived for mature students online)
Format(s) Available: Self-Paced Open Learning (section 901), Interactive Term-based (section 950-999)
Cost: online campus tuition, main campus tuition (additional costs for books and fees)
Tech Requirements: Latest version of Chrome or Mozilla browser. Check computer requirements.
Sample syllabus for all sections: use current syllabus to purchase materials, as these may change.
Description: How God confronts human beings—includes the process of revelation, principles of interpreting Scripture and similarly inspired material, the nature of God and His expectations for humans, and the evaluation of these concepts as presented in Scripture and the classic literature of various religions.
Format(s) Available: Self-Paced Open Learning (section 901), Interactive Term-based (section 950-999)
Cost: online campus tuition, main campus tuition (additional costs for books and fees)
Tech Requirements: Latest version of Chrome or Mozilla browser. Check computer requirements.
Sample syllabus for all sections: use current syllabus to purchase materials, as these may change.
Description: This course covers fundamental theories of human psychosocial, moral, and faith development, transformational theology and theory, and foundational principles of discipleship as found in both the Old and New Testaments of Scripture.
Format(s) Available: Self-Paced Open Learning (section 901), Interactive Term-based (section 950-999)
Cost: online campus tuition, main campus tuition (additional costs for books and fees)
Tech Requirements: Latest version of Chrome or Mozilla browser. Check computer requirements.
Sample syllabus for all sections: use current syllabus to purchase materials, as these may change.
Description: Defines and clarifies the Biblical doctrines of the Seventh-day Adventist faith, distinguishing them within the background of the Judeo-Christian tradition.
Format(s) Available: Self-Paced Open Learning (section 901), Interactive Term-based (section 950-999)
Cost: online campus tuition, main campus tuition (additional costs for books and fees)
Tech Requirements: Latest version of Chrome or Mozilla browser. Check computer requirements.
Languages: English, Spanish
Sample syllabus for all sections: use current syllabus to purchase materials, as these may change.
Description: A study of the Biblical perspective on the act of faith and the life of faith. How does a person begin and nurture one’s own personal spiritual and devotional life? Also studies the meaning of spiritual nurture in various lifestyle and work settings. Personal spiritual growth is fostered through involvement in organized church activities and/or witnessing outreach.
Format(s) Available: Self-Paced Open Learning (section 901), Interactive Term-based (section 950-999)
Cost: online campus tuition, main campus tuition (additional costs for books and fees)
Tech Requirements: Latest version of Chrome or Mozilla browser. Check computer requirements.
Sample syllabus for all sections: use current syllabus to purchase materials, as these may change.
Description: Christians are called to be followers or disciples of Jesus. This class presents the personal and spiritual implications of the biblical concept of discipleship. Discipleship is discussed in light of personal life, biblical teachings, and historical-theological developments.
Format(s) Available: Self-Paced Open Learning (section 901), Interactive Term-based (section 950-999)
Cost: online campus tuition, main campus tuition (additional costs for books and fees)
Tech Requirements: Latest version of Chrome or Mozilla browser. Check computer requirements.
Sample syllabus for all sections: use current syllabus to purchase materials, as these may change.
Description: A continuation of RELT 100. Study of nature, sources, and methods of theology; the doctrines of God and his works (the Trinity, creation, providence, law, and Sabbath), Christ, the Holy Spirit, and human beings. Research paper may be required. Student can earn general education credit in either RELT 225 or RELT 325, but not in both.
Format(s) Available: Self-Paced Open Learning (section 901), Interactive Term-based (section 950-999)
Cost: online campus tuition, main campus tuition (additional costs for books and fees)
Tech Requirements: Latest version of Chrome or Mozilla browser. Check computer requirements.
Sample syllabus for all sections: use current syllabus to purchase materials, as these may change.
Description: Study of the doctrines of Christ and salvation (nature and works of atonement), the church (characteristics, ministry, and mission), sanctuary and Christ’s heavenly ministry, and eschatology from a distinct Seventh-day Adventist perspective. Research paper may be required.
Format(s) Available: Self-Paced Open Learning (section 901), Interactive Term-based (section 950-999)
Cost: online campus tuition, main campus tuition (additional costs for books and fees)
Tech Requirements: Latest version of Chrome or Mozilla browser. Check computer requirements.
Sample syllabus for all sections: use current syllabus to purchase materials, as these may change.
Description: Considers how the Judeo-Christian tradition confronts the moral complexities of a highly technical society. Are there universal absolutes that cross all cultural boundaries, or are all values relative? Designed to help students articulate what molded their value system and what should help to shape it. Students are expected to participate in some organized church/civic/social service activities. Student can earn general education credit in either RELT340 or RELT 390, but not in both.
Format(s) Available: Self-Paced Open Learning (section 901), Interactive Term-based (section 950-999)
Cost: online campus tuition, main campus tuition (additional costs for books and fees)
Tech Requirements: Latest version of Chrome or Mozilla browser. Check computer requirements.
Sample syllabus for all sections: use current syllabus to purchase materials, as these may change.
Description: Addresses religious and spiritual issues of significance for healthcare. Includes a discussion of views of the relationship between health and spirituality from different religious perspectives. Provides an overview of the philosophical and historical background for ethical systems and their significance for current ethical challenges in healthcare.
Format(s) Available: Interactive Online(section 999)
Cost: online campus tuition, main campus tuition (additional costs for books and fees)
Tech Requirements: Latest version of Chrome or Mozilla browser. Check computer requirements.
Sample syllabus for all sections: use current syllabus to purchase materials, as these may change.