Social Science Online Courses
The following online undergraduate classes, managed by Global Campus, are offered in interactive online asynchronous and self-paced formats.
Description: Principles of psychology including the study of growth, perception, learning, thinking, motivation, emotion, personality, and mental health.
Format(s) Available: Self-Paced Open Learning (section 901), Interactive Term-based (section 950-999)
Cost: online campus tuition, main campus tuition, (additional costs for books and fees)
Tech Requirements: Latest version of Chrome or Mozilla browser. Check computer requirements.
Sample syllabus for all sections: use current syllabus to purchase materials, as these may change.
Description: Lifespan is an integrative approach to psychological development which emphasizes the inter-dependency of physical, cognitive, emotional and social development. The interrelatedness of theory, research, and application are seen throughout the entire sequence of human development from conception to death.
Prerequisites: PSYC 101 Introduction to Psychology or written permission of the teacher.
Format(s) Available: Self-Paced Open Learning (section 901), Interactive Term-based (section 950-999)
Cost: online campus tuition, main campus tuition, (additional costs for books and fees)
Tech Requirements: Latest version of Chrome or Mozilla browser. Check computer requirements.
Sample syllabus for all sections: use current syllabus to purchase materials, as these may change.
Description: A study of human behavior within a group context. Included are attitues, social roles, collective behavior, and the dynamic aspects of human interaction.
Prerequisites: PSYC 101 or SOCI 119
Format(s) Available: Self-Paced Open Learning (section 901), Interactive Term-based (section 950-999)
Cost: online campus tuition, main campus tuition, (additional costs for books and fees)
Tech Requirements: Latest version of Chrome or Mozilla browser. Check computer requirements.
Sample syllabus for all sections: use current syllabus to purchase materials, as these may change.
Description: This course will introduce you to the field of Community Psychology. Community Psychology is an interdisciplinary field that emerged from clinical psychology, but incorporates perspectives and theories from sociology, public health, and anthropology. Utilizing a strengths-based approach, it goes beyond an individual focus to promote positive change, health, and empowerment at individual and systemic levels. This course can serve as preparation for those taking the practicum course as their capstone requirement.
Prerequisites: PSYC 101 or SOCI 119
Format(s) Available: Self-Paced Open Learning (section 901), Interactive Term-based (section 950-999)
Cost: online campus tuition, main campus tuition, (additional costs for books and fees)
Tech Requirements: Latest version of Chrome or Mozilla browser. Check computer requirements.
Sample syllabus for all sections: use current syllabus to purchase materials, as these may change.
Description: A study of the development of sociology as a social science, some concepts and ideas associated with the study of human behavior, and an overview of the principles, terms, and concepts in the discipline.
Format(s) Available: Self-Paced Open Learning (section 901), Interactive Term-based (section 950-999)
Cost: online campus tuition, main campus tuition, (additional costs for books and fees)
Tech Requirements: Latest version of Chrome or Mozilla browser. Check computer requirements.
Sample syllabus for all sections: use current syllabus to purchase materials, as these may change.
Description: Principles of emergency planning used in any type of disaster. Includes working with volunteers, handling special events, evacuation, mass fatalities, planning for schools, and homeland security planning. Includes the use of related FEMA-provided modules.
Format(s) Available: Self-Paced Open Learning (section 901), Interactive Term-based (section 950-999)
Cost: online campus tuition, main campus tuition, (additional costs for books and fees)
Tech Requirements: Latest version of Chrome or Mozilla browser. Check computer requirements.
Sample syllabus for all sections: use current syllabus to purchase materials, as these may change.
Description: Study of the phases of disaster response and recovery with attention to local, state and national roles and expectations. Models of emergency management operations including communication, coordination, and chief executive decision making under conditions of disaster response will be emphasized. Attention will be given to the problems and concerns of recovery of victims and communities and the implications of disaster recovery efforts. Includes the use of related FEMA-provided modules.
Format(s) Available: Self-Paced Open Learning (section 901), Interactive Term-based (section 950-999)
Cost: online campus tuition, main campus tuition, (additional costs for books and fees)
Tech Requirements: Latest version of Chrome or Mozilla browser. Check computer requirements.
Sample syllabus for all sections: use current syllabus to purchase materials, as these may change.
Description: Comparative study of human diversity and of ways of being human. The concept of culture and ethnography as the primary tool of cultural anthropological research. Salient features of tribal communities, state level policies and modern network society. Globalization and its social, economic and environmental consequences. Understanding “ourselves” and those we call “others.”
Format(s) Available: Self-Paced Open Learning (section 901), Interactive Term-based (section 950-999)
Cost: online campus tuition, main campus tuition, (additional costs for books and fees)
Tech Requirements: Latest version of Chrome or Mozilla browser. Check computer requirements.
Sample syllabus for all sections: use current syllabus to purchase materials, as these may change.